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  Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants have been used successfully for many years. The implant itself is a post that is surgically placed in the jaw. A prosthesis (artificial tooth or teeth) is then attached to the post. Dental implants involve cooperation between an implant surgeon and our office. The surgical phase of treatment is completed by the implant surgeon, and the restorative phase is completed at our office. We primarily work with United Smile Centres, with locations in Louisville, Elizabethtown, and New Albany.


What are Dental Implants Used For?

There are two basic uses for Dental Implants:

  1. As an artificial root for a single tooth replacement.
  2. As anchors for a fixed or removable prosthesis to replace multiple teeth.

Implants can restore form, function, and esthetics where a single tooth or a short span of teeth are missing. Our patients love implants because they don't get cavities and they look natural.


Multiple implants can be used to anchor an entire arch of teeth that does not have to be removed. This type of restoration is typically referred to as an "All-On-Four". Patients love this restoration option because it most closely mimics natural teeth when restoring the entire upper arch, lower arch, or both. These restorations are attached to the implants with screws.

Overdentures are removable dentures that utilize implants and locators, a type of snap, to gain additional retention and stability. Our patients love this type of restoration on the upper because it creates a secure fitting denture that doesn't require the roof of the mouth to be covered. Lower dentures can be very unpredictable because of the opposition of the tongue and there is typically less boney support compared to the upper. Overdentures take away a lot of the unpredictability of the prosthesis and the end result is a happier patient.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

  • With the exception of your natural teeth, nothing looks more natural than an implant.
  • Dental implants are the most advanced tooth replacement system ever devised.
  • More than nine out of ten implants last longer than 15 years.
  • Dental implants never develop decay.
  • Dental implants never require root canals.
  • Dental implants preserve the jawbone, which can prevent premature aging.
  • No one can be disqualified for implant treatment solely because of their age -- some patients receive implant treatment when they are in their nineties!

How Are Dental Implants Placed?

Every case is different, but the most
straight forward cases
follow 3 basic steps:

A space is prepared in the bone. The implant is placed and covered with a temporary cap while it heals for 3-4 months. Sometimes bone grafts will also be necessary.
After healing, the temporary cap is removed and another piece is placed for making an impression. The temporary cap is then reseated for 3 weeks while the porcelain tooth is made in the lab.
When the tooth is ready, the temporary cap is removed again and the porcelain crown is seated in its place.


Considering a Dental Implant?

If you are considering a dental implant, contact us for an evaluation appointment. We will perform an evaluation to determine whether you are a good candidate for a dental implant. If you are a good candidate for an implant, we will provide you with further information to help you decide.